
Winamp org
Winamp org

winamp org

I'm also not trying to be a jerk either but when I'm constantly being told by random people that I have to be OSS when it comes to WACUP that's also not particularly helpful other than introducing more potential work for me to do when there's absolutely no guarantee of a return to that effort. the point of 2.) is to provide an approximation of what we have today but in a way that automatically limits developers from abusing JS. for users generally: provide a way to browse the web faster and more comfortably

winamp org

for security conscious users: provide a safer way to browse the web for companies: massively lower the barriers for new browsers (remove lots of backwards compatibility and the huge problem of JS)

winamp org

All js must complete in a specified number of cycles. Remove anything that isn't needed and especially anything that affects rendering negatively for no good reason.ġ.1.) Possibly: Provide versioned, vendor neutral versions of js to allow for autocomplete.Ģ.) Same as 1, but with custom JS. There is another thread going on about bringing back web 1, but here is something I have been advocating for a while, make 2 different new web profiles, along the lines of:ġ.) A subset of modern HTML / CSS, custom Javascript.

Winamp org